"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and took note that these men had been with Jesus." -- Acts 4:13
Some years ago during an apologetics debate, my opponent decided to list his qualifications. He was a doctor of philosophy, a published author, yadda yadda. By that point we had already been at it for days, on a thread that was dozens of pages long. This was his trump card. If his credentials were more impressive than mine, if he had more trophies on the wall, then everything I had said up to that point would be questioned. I was being called out. So I answered:
(Paraphrasing) "I have a bachelors in history and a minor in biology. I write as a hobby and have never published anything of note. I have no official position at my church. Sometimes I teach my Sunday School class if they need a fill-in. I'm a police officer, and I'm posting this now from the laptop computer of a sqaudcar currently parked in a stripmall parking lot."
And so the debate ended. My opponent was cornered. It was like finding out in the fourth quarter -- of a tight game -- that your rival wasn't another professional team, but a collection of scrubs pulled from some sort of reality tv show. I can only imagine his embarrasment.
I offer this up in advance to protect you, the reader, from any such awkward moments. I am about to attempt the impossible. Well, not so much the impossible. More like the ridiculous. What I am going to try to do is interpret the Biblical end times prophecies. Interpret, explain, and finish the Biblical account before the final events actually take place (which could be a challenge in itself).
Now for the full disclosure: I have never set foot in a seminary. I have never taken an academic Bible study class of any kind. If you had 'Intro to the Bible' at a Christian middle school then you have more official Biblical education than I do. And it's not just an academic deficiency. It's spiritual as well; I don't have any special apostolic message from above to give you. There's no ethereal hand writing on the wall next to me, no angelic being telling me what to say. This is my own concoction -- a theological home brew drawn from years of personal study and few unusual moments of clarity.
Hubris means "arrogance brought on by excessive pride". I'm using it here to mean "writing about something without any good justification for why you're writing it, apart from a tin foil cap and a giant rabbit standing behind you... staring.... menacingly." The posts themselves will fall into one of several categories. Many will focus on the prophecies themselves. I will present these the way the Bible does, starting with the first in Genesis chapter 11 (that's right, I said Genesis), and moving through the book, front to back. Breaking up the overall narrative will be historical anecdotes, points of theological debate (not necessarily relating to the end times) and questions specific to understanding end times prophecies. It's the latter that I want to start with. Soon I will post my answer to the question, what does 666 mean?
Free Autographed Bible
14 years ago
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